6 Simple Tips for E Waste Management

Accumulation of ewaste is a hazard for environment. Hence, it is crucial to know how to manage e-waste or recycle them. Here are some tips to help you manage the waste you have gathered at home:

1. Buy As Less As Possible

Most of the time, we buy things just for the heck of buying. This is the biggest cause of e-waste. Giving up on this habit and thinking twice/trice or many times before buying gadget or electronic item will help the environment.

2. Organize Gadgets

Most people don’t organize their gadgets and electronic items. This is also the reason they don’t know what they have. Organizing things will avoid investing in duplicates of what you already have. It will also help you know what to do with the waste you have at home.

3. Donate/Sell/Give away the Ewaste

Hoarding is dangerous. If you don’t need a specific stuff, simply plan a giveaway or sell it online/offline. You may also take the item back to store and ask for a buy-back program.

4. Local Recycling

Look for ewaste recycling and management organizations online or near your area. Speak to them and know how they can help you.

5. Rely on Cloud

Buying large server or heavy-duty machines are not the only solution for storage (personal or professional). You can use cloud for the process of file syncing or backing up across multiple devices.

6. Gain Knowledge

It is crucial to educate yourself about e-waste and its disastrous effects on human race and the planet. Most electronic gadgets are powerhouses of toxic materials. Hence, it is crucial to dispose these off safely and in a timely manner. You should be deeply concerned about the toxins present within the gadgets and make efforts towards handling e-waste.


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