The Rules Directed for Registration of EPR Authorization
In the year 2011, the E- Waste Rules of Management & Handling was declared. In the following year, it came into effect. The rules are valid to the following involved in the manufactures, sale, purchase and handling of electrical and electronic equipment or components specified in schedule – I of the Rules:
- Consumers
- Dismantler
- Producers
- Recycler of e-waste
- Collection centre
- Bulk consumer
Under the above directed rules, the following two categories of end of the life electrical and electronic equipment are covered:
(i) IT and Telecommunication Equipment
(ii) Consumer Electricals and Electronics such as Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Fluorescent containing lamps, mercury containing lamps, Air Conditioners, and TVs
It was declared by the MoEF & CC, GoI under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 vide G.S.R.
338(E) dated 23.03.2016. This came into effect from the 1st of October 2016. This command was introduced to make sure effective implementation of EPR by producers.
According to the rules stated for e-waste management documented in the year 2016, EPR employment gets a target based approach. In order to get registration for EPR authorization, producers are mandated to follow a phase wise collection target for effective collection of e-waste. The collection can be done in number or weight. The amount is calculated as 30 per cent of the total quantity of waste generation chosen in EPR Plan for the period of initial two years of employment of rules. For 3rd and 4th year, the amount will rise to 40 per cent, to 50 per cent during 5th and 6th years and 70 per cent for 7th year onwards.
As per the rules stated by the E-Waste (Management) for the year 2016, the job of creating guidelines has been assigned to CPCB on the following listed below:
- Extended producer responsibility
- Random sampling for RoHS testing
- All collection centres
- Refurbishment
- Environmentally sound dismantling recycling
- Transportation
- Storage
- Channelization
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